Inner city: Trees simply need more space!

©BV1 | District leader Markus Figl with Sophie Valtiner, chairwoman of the environmental committee.

The magnolia trees on and around Kärntner Straße are growing and thriving - so magnificently that they now need more space. 

Since 2009, magnolias have been providing more green space in the city - and making the inner city bloom every year. But the trunks of the trees planted back then now have a circumference of around 60 cm and are too large to cover the tree discs. What was intended as protection against pollution is now narrowing the tree trunks, some of them are now even hitting the metal cover - damage to the bark and the tree is inevitable. Now the covers are reduced in size and the necessary space is created for the trees. In addition, the trunks will be given protective grilles, like those already in place on Rotenturmstrasse.

question of cost

The measures were discussed in the Environment Committee chaired by Sophie Valtiner – who was pleased with the result. The only question that needed to be clarified was the question of costs, because with 19 trees, according to the district, this would be “a lot of money”: “So that the trees can continue to bloom so luxuriantly in future years, the district has now provided 62.600 euros,” said Markus Figl, district head the inner city.