WienerLust for life

Our theme worlds “Viennese Lust for Life” offer a colorful potpourri of tips, information, service and offers in one of the most livable cities in the world.

gastro tips
Health & Life
Vacation & Leisure

Culinarythrough Vienna

The Viennese love good food! In our culinary themed world we show the great diversity in a city worth living in.

Healthenjoyment of life

Vienna is the city with excellent medical care and is home to one of the best hospitals in Europe. This provides security in supply. In addition, the city offers a wide range of spaces for joie de vivre.

For seniorsa paradise

Enjoying your retirement is easier in Vienna than in many other cities. Here there is still cohesion between the generations and a wide range of options in every situation.

Feel-good living in the Kursana

With the introductory special you can try out the new living experience...

20% discount on Swedish bitters

With our discount code “Bezirksblaetter” you get 20% off your order.

vacation andleisure

Even though the Old Danube and Danube Island invite you to linger, the Viennese are regularly drawn to far away places. For skiing in the mountains, for summer vacation in the country or on the beaches of the sea. But the song “I Am From Austria” always plays in the heart.

Summer, sun, vacation time

Off on vacation with “Private Guest”

Outdoorin the city

Mobility in Vienna has many faces, with the diverse offerings making the city a place worth living in. Our theme world accompanies the Viennese in this.

All about animals
Build live
Shopping & Style

Animalisticcity ​​life

Vienna is the city with the oldest zoo in the world and a big heart for animals. Our theme world “Animal City Life” is for everyone who likes and protects animals.

Vienna islivable

Vienna is one of the most liveable cities in the world. Living here is a privilege. Furthermore, the whole world envies us for our pioneering role in social housing. A themed world about building and living in Vienna.

Architect's house in a prime location on Veiglberg

This ultra-modern and stylish architect's house will delight you on Veiglberg on the Vienna city limits in Hagenbrunn.


Shopping in Vienna has charm. Colorful shopping streets and shopping centers not only offer a large selection, but also the special Viennese flair with shops and services. This makes shopping in our wonderful city a real lifestyle experience.